“I want to say “thank you” for helping me find myself again.  I’m starting to feel whole again.  It’s indescribable.  I can’t put words to how it feels for me - coming back to ME.  But coming back to me in a loving way.  Because I’m even better now than I was then.  Now, I’m coming back to a new me, in love, with tools to continue to grow to be an even stronger healer of MYSELF.  And where even “self” is important to me - I just thank you for that SO MUCH.”

Lainisha S. [Los Angeles]

“The impact you’ve made on my life, and the shifts that I have experienced in coming home to myself on deeper levels since I’ve met you?  I don’t even know who that person is anymore.  And you have been such a big part of that.  I have so much admiration and appreciate for you.  Because you’re leading the path for me, for all of us.  And you show up for us - in spite of all that you experience.  And just the role model that you are to me.  THANK YOU for who you are.”

Amara Joy [Jacksonville, FL]

“You have been on my heart!  I want you to know you are very gifted, blessed and wonderful spiritual guide and I want you to really know it!  I feel so lucky that I found you and you have expedited my growth!  Forever grateful for you.”

Brooke N. [Los Angeles]

“I am incredibly grateful for the timing of our schooling, sisterhood and evolving/rising/growth. I’ve learned so much about myself through each of you [my sisters & Rachel Lynn] . I called in this instrumental healing and knowledge many years ago and The Shamanic School of Mediumship is my manifestation - Thankful to Rachel Lynn + SSM for this.”

Python Priestess [Los Angeles]

“I highly recommend Rachel Lynn Sebastian [Shamanic School of Mediumship].  She is the best mental health investment I have ever made for myself. The work we are all doing here is incredible and life-changing.”

Juniper [Oregon]

“Rachel is a MASTER TEACHER! There a few teachers out there teaching mediumship, ancient shamanic practices and trance channeling the way that Rachel does. She will help you hone your intuitive, psychic, mediumship gifts in a way like no other. I went from shying away from my call as a shaman to fully embracing and embodying my identity as a shamanic medium. Her tools are trauma informed -- especially important for empaths and intuitives who are trauma survivors. This school is worth the investment. My life has been forever changed because of my journey in the Shamanic School of Mediumship. I am grateful to Master Teacher and Trance channel Rachel for this amazing journey and encourage anyone considering the path to do it!”

Ms. McLeod [Brooklyn, NY]